How Pharmaceeka works for Pharmacists
- Search for a job: Select 'Job Listings' from the drop-down menu with the appropriate job type OR select the appropriate icon from the homepage icons. Refine search as required
- Apply for a job: 'Login' > 'Job Listings' > (click 'View' on job) > Apply For This Job > Fill out any applicable details and click 'Apply'
- Create/Edit/ Delete a job alert: 'Login' > 'My Account' > 'My Job Alerts'
- Hide your profile from view: 'Login' > 'My Account' > 'My Profile' > 'Hide Profile' or 'Show Profile' (automatic default is set to 'Show Profile')
- Contact an employer/advertiser: 'Login' > 'Job Listings' > 'View' selected job > 'Contact This Employer'
- Change your profile: 'Login' > 'My Account' > 'My Profile' > 'Edit Profile'
- Reply to a message: 'Login' > 'My Account' > 'My Profile' > 'Inbox' > 'View'/'Reply'
- Change your password: 'Login' > 'My Account' > 'My Profile' > change password and save
- Delete your account: Please contact the us and we will do this for you
If you are unable to work out how to use any aspect of this website covered in the explanations above or have any questions please feel free to contact us for more information.